It seems France is a factory specialized in producing Freestyle MX brothers with great riding skills. Why? The Pages brothers are already well known in the global FMX scene. But there is another duo called the „IZZO Bros“ – they are coming from France, too. The boys are riding on a high level doing every trick I can imagine (Seatgrab- and Tsunamiflips and other hardcore combos). Especially Brice is almost on the podium in every NOTJ contest. I think it’s time to introduce these great guys.
Salut Brice and Romain! Please introduce yourself shortly and what are you guys focusing for? Brice: I’m living in France, 24 years of age and my plan is to ride the X games in the USA. Romain: I’m 24, also living in France. I had a big injury and I shortly started with my comeback. So I am focusing riding in France and Europe the next months to get back in shape.
Romain (left) and Brice are ready for 2011
How did you guys get infected with the MX virus?
Our dad was riding MX bikes and he inspired us to start riding.
You both are riding FMX on a high level since a few years now. How and when did you start riding MX bikes and what affected you to do FMX? Brice: I started riding MX at the age of 4 and FMX when I was 20. I’d loved to watch my brother riding so I tried it and it felt good. Romain: I began riding MX when I was 6 years old. I finished riding when I was 16 and got a regular job until I was 22. Then I got the opportunity to ride in a FMX show, which was pretty fun.
They call him Mr. Extension – Brice doing a Double Hart

Brice – last year you finished the World Cup in 2nd position. What is your plan to be on top soon? My plan is to work hard on my tricks and focusing on my progression.
Romain – when I am looking back to 2007 and the beginning of 2008 you were really successful in the IFMXF Tour. But then it was getting quiet around you and you didn’t ride the IFMXF series anymore – what happened exactly? I had a bad crash and broke my ankle and vertebral. It took me a long time to recover from the injuries.
Romain was injured really bad – but now he is back!
Romain – you were riding the Qualification in Graz 2010 and did qualify for the main event. There you also qualified for the final. Are you back now? At the moment I am not in contract with the IFMXF. Maybe I do some demos and contests. But I have a lot of shows in France that I am contracted to.
Practising is really important to ride safe. What kind of training are you doing to be in shape and do you have an own FMX compound? Brice: I go to the gym and do some running every day, as well as riding. Me and Romain have a park ten minutes from where we live. Romain: I just ride which keeps me in shape.
IFMXF FIM WC Vice-Champ Brice is stripping

A lot of good riders are coming from France. For example the Remi Bizouard and the Pages Brothers etc. Do you know them good and are you practising with them? Brice: I ride a lot with Remi Bizouard and when the weather is bad in his place or mine we travel to eachothers place for riding. I just see the Pages brothers sometimes in shows and don’t practise with them.
Brice – you are doing almost every Backflip Combo. What tricks do you have planned to learn the next weeks? Brice: I am happy with the tricks I have in my bag and I will keep working on them to make them more perfect.
Always in good mood – maybe we'll see Brice at X-fighters and X-Games this year?!
What do you think about tricks like the double flip and the frontflip? Brice: I think that those tricks are crazy to do because it’s too dangerous – a lot of people are crashing really hard doing these tricks.
Do you have planned to try the frontflip or the doubleflip sometime? Brice: No
Romain: Yes, the doubleflip
What are your plans for the upcoming season and which series and contests you are interested to ride in? Brice: I just want to show the best I can and hopefully the people and the judges appreciate it. Another plan is to get invited riding the Red Bull X-Fighters series. Romain: I want to keep improving myself and do more contests with the IFMXF.
Romain helicopting over the track in Graz
What are you doing in your freetime beside 2-wheelers?
Brice: I do alot of sport and work in my park.
Romain: Similar
What kind of music do you like – for riding and for chilling? Brice: for riding I like Michael Jackson and for chilling I like a bit of everything. Romain: for riding I like AC/DC and for chilling I like classical music.
Petipix pressed the trigger at the right time – Brice with an awesome Hart Attack Lookback
Brice – you are living in France. What city or place should people visit, if there are travelling to France? I would say Marseille as it has something for every one and the weather is so good in summer.
Romain – what is the typical french meal – and what do you like to eat? The typical french meal is meat/steak , french fries and salad. I like eating pasta.
Your last words – do you want to say something to your fans, friends etc?
Brice and Romain: Thanks for believing in us and supporting us.
Jeremy McGrath? No, Brice doing an oldschool NacNac
Okay, now our classical word association.
Give me the first word that pops into your head:
USA or Europe:Europe
Sponsors: Ipone,DSP,NLF,Kali,Shift,Fox,Bernard Motor,Click’air, France Express.
Favorite Website:
Track or freeriding: freeriding
Tattoos: No
50’s: yes
Best Trick: underflip cancan one hand
Biggest success: 3rd X Games Brasil
Movie: I am legend
Travelling: yes I like
Girls: My girlfriend
Date of birth: 23/09/1985
USA or Europe: Europe
Sponsors: Ipone,DSP,NLF,Kali,Shot,Bernard Motor,Click’air, France Express.
Natural terrain or track: Natural terrain
Tattoos: no
50’s: yes
Best Trick: Shaoling flip
Biggest success: first place in IFMXF
Movie: Dikenec
Girls: my daughter
Date of birth: 05/06/1982 |