Alvaro Dal Farra from Italy is one of the best European Freestyle MX riders. The "Da Boot Crew" member has his own mission: "Ride to Party!" - there is nothing more to say. We talked with Alve about how the things are going these days, the future and his great bike design.
Hi Alve, what did you do the last weeks? I’ve been on vacation and been in London to meet my girlfriend and enjoy the city that I never seen before … cool I thought it was different.
So you are pretty busy right now. The time is ticking away. The first time we met was in Geneva 2003. The last years you are getting better and better. Tell us something about your practise tactics.
I don’t know the tactics and maybe I don’t want to tell you … JOKE! During last year I did hard training and I focused on riding, also about organization where my girlfriend was of big help as she organizes stuff, so I had much time for training. Another big help comes from Lorenz, my technician, he takes care of all the stuff concerning my motorbikes. More than few things now I have to focus only on riding. |
You are member of the Da Boot Crew. Tell us someting about the Crew and the what is your mission?
Da Boot grew a lot both on riders and organization as now we have ramps, parks, mobile landing, hospitality … we’re definitely working hard and we just released our first video on DVD: “The other Italians” and we’re also producing some merchandising; everything’s going well and we hope to keep up the good work.
You also rode some X-Fighter events this year. Do you like them and how do you feel while riding in front of such a massive crowd?
Yes I rode in some big events this year like X-Fighter and pre qualifying of LG Action Sports in U.S.A. To tell the truth I’m always a bit scared but I feel always more prepared to face the ramps.
Then I got the luck of being in good feeling with the audience that often fires me up.
Your bike is definetely one of the coolest designed bikes in the scene. Is it important for you to have an eyecatcher bike? Yes fundamental; I studied arts and graduated at Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and all my stuff is designed by me: my bike, helmet, my boots, posters, etc..
… if I would mount last year’s bike I won’t be frenzy , it would be old, passed, I won’t be up for riding.

Do you make the bike design by yourself? I have a great friend, Andrix, and he’s a great graphic, I study my bike look with him; I tell him my ideas and together we bring them to reality. I’m also working with him for a new project, a new shoes brand called “CMYK”, that soon will make talk of it.
You are “Ride to Party” ... but your skills are really good right new. You are doing great flip combos and huge tricks. How much do you train a week?
How can’t you have a party after closing a back flip superman?!?! It’s impossible, you got too much joy inside, or maybe after a huge gap in freeriding … so ride to party! |
I train a lot, at least I try, but if my head isn’t okay I prefer to do something else, maybe snowboarding if there’s snow and forgive about the bike… when I bring it back I’m a bit in paranoia but full up and ready to try hard tricks!
What flip combo ist your favorite right now?
No hand flip, flip whip and flip nac nac one hand are the most stylish in my opinion, whoever does them well is a lead for me, as the ones that do awesome whips…
Are you working on some new tricks these days?
No I have no will so better leave it for now, I’d like to practice flib grab but I really don’t want to go to the foam pit right now… now I’m pumped with doing transfer on my landings and ride a lot stylish without tricks or maybe fews… |
What can we expect from you in the future? Nice question, I hope to ride even better but a day I’ll stop and I hope my little investments will take place and grow … more than all the CMYK and DaBoot project.

That’s it for now. Thanks for the interview Alve and take care in the air! Thank you man … take care in the air and after in the party with the friends … this is important for motivation and life!