Today we introduce you guys a FMX rider who lives in the No. 1 country of the MX history - Belgium. In spite of the fact, that he is the first belgian backflipper, Double U isn't really well known in Europe. We were talking about William van den Putte to know more about the belgian FMX scene and Double U ...
First of all, tell the guys out there some basics about you - where do you come from, how old are you and what is your mission?
I’m William 23 years old. I believe this is my 3rd year of freestyle. Before I was racing and in 2005 I did my last year of MX. The World Championship MX3. So last year all my attention
went to freestyle. I come from Belgium. Live in Olen - Antwerpen. But most of the time I stay
in Spain because for the beautiful weather and the big attention around freestyle over there.
My mission? I don’t know, train more and become better every day. So I hopely get an
invitiation for some big Events in 2007.
Tell us something about the Belgian FMX scene. How many riders are there? I’m not sure, but I believe six or seven.
Four of them are my friends and practice with me.
And only two riders do backflips. Me and my buddy Gregory Holvoet.
I don’t know the skills of the other guys out there.
Are in Belgium any locations to freeride? Not really. but we have our own secret spot. I have my big backyard and that's where we ride most of the time.
Are there some national contests in Belgium? Not yet. I hope someday ... |
What do you think the Belgian FMX scene needs to get itself into better shape? Belgium got the best MX riders in history. So it would be awesome, if Belgium got a rider who could take it agaist the world top in FMX!

Do you have your own FMX compound in Belgium? Yes, we have one freeride spot. Five ramps
and two dirtlandings, Foampit and a nice minibiketrack.
Let’s talk about the Flip. How did you learn the Flip? Well, that’s a long story. But I’ll try to keep it short. In 2004 I was just 6 months freestyling and all I had in my mind was the backflip. Even before I started with FMX, I already did bmx flips on dirt and minibikeflips into foampits. So one day Busty Wolter said I’m gonna try the flip on dirt! and I said: If he do it. I'll also try it. But Busty didn’t feel good and didn’t go for it. And everyone was asking me, what about you. And after 6 or 7 times I hit that kicker. I just flipped my 250 and landed clean. I never did a flip before on a 250cc bike into foam. So everyone was going crazy. I’ll never forget that day. But after that, I crashed hard with another flip. I didn’t do it anymore.
But Edgar Torronteras learned me the longdistance flip last year. And now the flip feels very
easy. The thing is always be concentrated!

Do you think, that the people hype the Backflip to much and the judges are score them to overpriced? Backflips are almost a standard trick, because almost everyone flips. But I don’t like 6 backflips in a short run. Okay, maybe doing 6 big combo flips, but what about all the other big tricks without going upsidedown? If I would make a kind of judging system, I would only allow max. 3 flip tricks ...
Are you doing different Flips combos and did you already work on the 360 lately? Yeah, I have some combo flips on dirt. But its just the easy stuff. One hander flips,
No footer flips, nacnac and whip flips. I’m really looking forward to try some new things
on long distance. I have many flip combo’s on the kicker into the foam. But foampit doesn’t count!
The 360 ... I don’t know I tried it before into the foam. But after more attempts it turned out to a big underflip. So I feel more to do the underflip.

How do you prepare yourself during the cold winter time? In the winter time the weather realy sucks so I go to Spain. I have many FMX friends over there and I can use their parks.
Do you have another job apart from FMX? I am working as a mechanic on cars or bikes.
What are you doing in your freetime? Minibike racing, Monobiking, MX, PC, Having fun with friends. Always searching for something new or cool to do.

Where can the people watch you riding the next months? The Demo’s: the first wil be in Holland on February, 3rd on a Supercross. Three more in Holland and two in Belgium. The competitions will be most of the time in Spain.
Your last words – do you want to say something to your fans, friends etc? Thanks for all the support and fun I had last year!
Okay, now our classical word association. Give me the first word that pops into your head:
Ramps: Dirt the bigger the better !
USA or Europe: Europe
Sponsors: Dragon Goggles, Dcshoes, Fly Racing, Zeus Helmets, Ktm Racing Center, Moto Vert Mini’s
Favorite Website: FMX? MX?
Goonriders: Funny
Double Flip by Pastrana: Insane
Natural Terrain: Awesome
Tattoos: Yes
50’s: Buy one! All of you!
Soccer: Boring
Movie: Jack Ass
Travelling: Like it
Girls: I love mine! |
Right on thanx Double U!
More information and pix about Double U on his website: |