FORTY8 is well known for its underground competence. It’s obvious to talk with amateur riders about their passion – FMX. Tobias Finck from Germany is one of the German amateur riders. He recently rode at the Night of the Jumps European Championship in Hamburg and placed 4th at the first Flight Club contest in Niederorla/Germany. We chatted with Tobias about how all starts and his plans for the future.

First of all, tell the guys out there some basics about you - where do you come from, how old are you and what is your mission?
My name is Tobias Finck – Freestyle MX rider, I am 24 years of age and I live very close to the Eascoast of Germany – yes, Germany has its own sea :-)
Almost every rider has a cool story how he started with MX. How and when did you start riding MX bikes and what affected you to do FMX?
My dad bought my bro and me a Yamaha PW50 almost 20 years ago. Back in the end of the nineties I did my first MX race on a 60cc bike. At this time I got infected with FMX by watching the Terrafirma and Crusty videos. My bro Matthias, our buddy David Jahns and I started to train dirtjumping on our home MX track. In 2005 we built our first 9 meter radius metal ramp and started to train hard to take part in the German FMX Championships 2007 were I ended up in 6th position. The motivation to train the backflip was big, so we built our own foampit to get it dialed. That was my entry for international FMX show and events. Last year my bro and I created a mobile landing to offer our own shows.

You recently rode at the NIGHT of the JUMPs in Hamburg? How did you get the chance to ride there and what categories did you ride?
That’s absolutely right. I talked to the NIGHT oft he JUMPs crew, if it’s possible to take part in the Best Whip competition – so they invited me to ride there – big thanks!
A few weeks ago you placed 4th at the Flight Club #1 in Niederorla. Do you like the philosophy of the Flight Club – “riders are judging riders”?
Yes, I really like this judging concept and it’s a great way for the rookies to show their skills. It’s also an awesome atmosphere at the Flight Club events – the people are so great there!
You have your own FMX compound. Tell us something about it. How many Ramps and Landings etc. do you have and what happened with the compound?
I have a MX track (length around 800 meters) with several jumps and a FMX park with two dirt landings, five take-off metal ramps and a foam pit. Unfortunately the track is closed right now. I need a noise certificate to re-open it again. (good luck for this).
Do you have some training partners? Are there any riders in your area?
I few years ago I used to train with Sebastian Radel. Basty is an awesome and grateful person and he teached me a lot of riding tricks and skills.

What are your plans for the current season and which shows, series and contests you are interested to ride in?
I have planned to organize more FMX shows using my mobile landing and I want to take part in the German FMX Championship in Riesa – of course, with a good result
Do you have another job beside FMX?
I am working as a facility manager and trainer of the Motorockitz FMX/MX e.V.
In the summertime I am also doing MX instructions.
Click on the Thumbnails to discover Tobias' Gallery:

What are you doing in your freetime beside 2-wheelers?
I am planning FMX events with my mom, enjoy my freetime with my girlfriend Dorina and take care of her horses. We have a great time together and doing a lot of sports.
Your last words – do you want to say something to your fans, friends etc?
I want to thank my family (especially my parents Ute and Roland), my girlfriend Dorina, my friends and of course my sponsors for their support.

Okay, now our classical word association -
give me the first word that pops into your head:
USA or Europe: USA
Sponsors: Zeppelin, FirstMX, SRH Clothing Germany, MX Treff Suzuki Frank Schulz, Heizung - Sanitär Meisterbetrieb Duvier, Herr & Politz, Agentur34 und Metallbau Duve.
Favorite Website: &
Tattoos: no
50’s: no
Best Trick: Backflip, Tsunami, Rock Solid
Biggest success: first Backflip on Dirt
Movie: movies with Adam Sandler
Travelling: Italy and Turkey
Girls: girlfriend Dorina
Day of birth: 29.04.1989
Right on – thanx for the interview Tobias – good luck for the future!
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