Story and pics by Oliver Franke |
Rödenthaler FMX Pro Fabian Bauersachs won the 3rd contest of the German FMX Championships ahead of Hannes Ackermann (Niederdorla) and Stefan Bengs (Bestensee).
The area of the ADAC FAZ Lüneburg was a perfect ground for the riders, instead of the wind that blew the whole time. So everyone had to wait nearly four hours until the training could start.
From the 12 riders who came to Lüneburg only 11 made it into the qualification. Tom Färber had to quit, because the engine of his bike broke in the training. Because of the wind, that still blew, the riders had only one trainingssession, but everyone was highly motivated for the qualification. Only Marco Rohr did not make it into the final. |
Ahead of the field Hannes Ackermann, Fabian Bauersachs, Stefan Bengs, Florian Menge and Freddy Peters were the one, who battled for the podium. But both Stefan and Freddy had a deadsailor in their runs, so they ended up on 3rd and 5th position.
Florian Menge reached place #4. Maybe the short practice time was the reason that they had no backflips or flip combos in their runs.
Hannes Ackermanns safe run brought him 155 points from the jury and a 2nd place in Lüneberg. Fabian Bauersachs had impressive flip combos on his trick book and really earned the first place with 208 points.
In overall Hannes Ackermann leads one point ahead of Stefan Bengs. The next points for the German FMX Championship will be given on August, 16th in Scheeßel, Lüneburger Heide.
Fab Bauersachs, Hannes Ackermann, Stefan Bengs
FACTS German FMX Championship
Lüneburg, 02nd August 2008
1. Fabian Bauersachs DMSB KTM 208 Points
2. Hannes Ackermann DMSB KTM 155 Points
3. Stefan Bengs DMSB KTM 154 Points
4. Florian Menge DMSB Kawasaki 152 Points
5. Frederik Peters DMSB Suzuki 144 Points
6. Tim Kerling DMSB Kawasaki 119 Points
7. Dennis Garhammer DMSB Suzuki 115 Points
8. Sebastian Dunkel DMSB Suzuki 109 Points
9. Tobias Seibert DMSB Honda 107 Points
10. Tobias Finck DMSB Suzuki 96 Points
1. Hannes Ackermann DMSB KTM 27 Points
2. Stefan Bengs DMSB KTM 26 Points
3. Florian Menge DMSB Kawasaki 21 Points
4. Fabian Bauersachs DMSB KTM 20 Points
5. Thomas Ferber DMSB KTM 12 Points
6. Sebastian Dunkel DMSB Suzuki 10 Points
7. Robert Naumann DMSB Honda 10 Points
8. Frederik Peters DMSB Suzuki 6 Points
9. Tim Kerling DMSB Kawasaki 5 Points
10. Tobias Seibert DMSB Honda 4 Points
11. Dennis Garhammer DMSB Suzuki 4 Points
12. Kai Haase DMSB Suzuki 4 Points
13. Marco Rohr DMSB GasGas 3 Points
14. Tobias Finck DMSB Suzuki 2 Points |
Next dates of the German FMX Championships 2008:
16th August 2008 4th Contest German FMX Championship in Scheeßel
04th Oktober 2008 5th Contest German FMX Championship together with Supermoto – St.Wendel
Current information and results under: |