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The Morgan Carlson Column
written by Morgan Carlson



Well, finally back in business!

With only two days on my bike I headed for home turf, Globen arena in Stockholm, Sweden. I was so stressed over riding, and I did´nt know if my shoulder would hold together. And it did´nt help that I needed to flip on my 5th jump either... But anyhow, it felt like I never been of the bike! Felt so good straight away! My and my mates from FMX4Ever did 4 shows in three days, all perfect! Good to be back!

The weekend after I went to Vilnius, Lituania. Ok, show but for some reason I started to ride like a freakin´ hillbilly! Just could´nt get my head to work as it suppost to. You can´t sit around and think about what tiles to buy for you bathroom 3 meters before the ramp.

After Vilnius, I headed back home to hang out with my friend Justin Hoyer, who was staying in my house for 2 weeks to get some riding and bro´ time. We had a good time and we both went to do Ostrava and Prague. The famous Gladiator Games! My favourit

e week of the year! All good friends hanging out in Prague or a whole week.
It´s so cool! All of the guys are those you whish lived in your own town! Miller, Fehr, Sieg, Nielsen, Hoyer, Sato, Marek, and the rest!

The show at O2 Arena in Prague is one to remember, 16 riders! And I would say that maybe 3 of the top 10 riders in the world was missing!
It was broadcasted in Eurosport2, Viasat Sweden, and La Dos in Spain. That´s really good!
Marek got something very special going on!!

Now I´m going back home for some weeks, just gonna take some time off, and maybe even turn my mobile off!

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