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The Josh Sheehan Column
Column written by Josh Sheehan


Hey Everyone, Josh Sheehan here again updating you all on whats been happening here. Since my last update, I have been flat out touring New Zealand and Regional Australia with Nitro Circus Live.

The tour started in Aukland, New Zealand and worked its way down through 5 cities in 3 weeks to finish in Dunedin in the south island. It was my first time with the group but because they are all such great people, I felt right at home. The shows averaged around 20,000 screaming fans that made the atmosphere so great to ride in! The promoter gave us plenty to do in between shows as well. Things like bungee jumping, skydiving, jet boat racing, white water rafting, jet skis and cliff jumping were some of the activities that kept the adrenaline pumping on the days off.

After Nitro finished in Dunedin, I stayed for an extra week near Winton, for the Farm Jam competition the next weekend. That was a fun and relaxing week, hanging out with a bunch of mates to ride a stress free competition on the weekend. I had my first international win there and took out the Big Trick award to enjoy my 25th Birthday the next day!

After Farm Jam I flew back home to Donnybrook, WA, for a week off, a little riding and my sisters wedding before heading over east for the start of the Australia Regional Nitro tour.

I picked up my new 2011 CRF450 from Calton Dry Honda Racing and joined back up with the Nitro crew in Albury, Victoria for the start of the tour. We had 8 planned shows in 4 weeks up the east coast of Australia but had one show cancelled due to flooding in the area. The Aus tour was toned down a little with smaller crowds in the regional areas, but was still a lot of fun. We still did some go karting, went surfing and visited fun parks to keep things exciting and went to the beach a bit with some warmer weather. The tour finished on a high at the Gold Coast with a perfect show.

Im currently staying on the Gold Coast until the 11th for some extra riding with some mates and to get my new website finished. We had a muddy ride on at a motocross track, a windy ride on some ramps and hit some bigger jumps at Matt Schubrings farm.

Ive got an exciting 3 months ahead now. On 13th April I fly to Travis Pastrana’s house for 10 days to practice with some of the Nitro crew for the upcoming Nitro Circus Live show in Las Vegas on 4th June. I then have just over 2 weeks practice at home in Australia before heading to Europe for 3 weekends of Night of the Jumps in May

Thanks for reading everyone! See you all next time.



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