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The Fab Bauersachs Column
written by Fabian Bauersachs


Final German FMX Championship
The final of the German FMX Championship was hold in the RingArena on the Nürburgring Circuit. It was an unique indoor event of this series and the riders were happy don't have to take care about the weather situation and could be concentrated on the important thing – to go big. Setup was standard, little problems was solved fast and without discussions – nice. The setup was standard, little problems were solved fast and without discussions – nice!

Hannes and Lukas had the chance to get the title as well and so everyone gave his best on the event. Hannes seemed to work a lot for that event and for me it was a really good training and preparation for the next WorldCup Contests. Qualification went good and I ended up 1st – the other riders fighted for every point but even this didn´t dissuade me from my plan to come out with a clean and smooth run with NoHandFlip, Super Flip, RockSolid Indy and TsunamiIndy with good extension.

The other guys rode well and tried to get some extra points with some surprises in the final which was really exciting. I stepped it up as well with Flintstone to 1Hand Landing, 1Hand NacFlip and SupFlip Indy beside my other favourite tricks and this was enough to take the first place in the final! Pretty happy with that result, this year there was no crossing with other events like in the last past 3 years and I was able to ride all events and so I can hold the title “German FMX Champion 2010”.

Sunday early morning I was out with busty on the Nürburgring Race Track to turn a round on a Suzuki GSX- R and a Hayabusa. All that which was filmed from a german motorsport channel. More infos will follow hopefully soon.

Rally World Cup Trier
18. August – headed forward to Trier to jump some shows with Nick Franklin and Dennis Garhammer for RedBull. The first location was pretty special and we placed the setup in a way that we could jump over the rally cars which passed every 2 minutes at the spot. Plan was to get some shots with FMX trick and car under it but this was quite not as easy as we thought. But in fact that we had a lot of time we made it in the end and got some good shots. The next 2 days was without “work” and we took the chance to rent a GoKart circuit together with the RedBull Crew – was really fun but after only 2 laps we was asked again if we have understand the rules: no blocking, pushing or stuff like this. WHHHHAAAAAT???
All karts came out working ;o) and I showed up some good skills and had a nice battle with Nick.

The next show was in front of the “Porta Nigra”, on of the oldest buildings in Europe, which was an really impressive location. The weather was great and the spectators enjoyed the show and were stocked about the tricks and flip combos. So, also this event was listed under “success”. The next days I have to work a lot on my “fabland” and on my bike as well for some suspension tuning and other little but important things.

RedBull AirRace Lausitz
07./08. August – pretty ugly weather conditions at the first day during the RedBull AirRace. After the first show it begun to rain and didn´t stopped till the night so we had to cancel the second show. Sunday morning the weather was beautiful and we made a nice show on the start/finish line. Petr Pilat, Dennis Garhammer and me came out with some solid tricks and got some proobs from the AirRace pilots and the spectators went crazy as well.
This was an really unbelievable event and it is awesome how fast the pilots go with their planes and still can turn up and down or left and right. Believe me, I don´t want to take a flight in a plane with on of those guys ;o).
But we had the chance to get a drive with the Rallye Tuarek from Volkwagen and this was pretty impressive too. The cassis suspension worked so good that every big hole felt like a little stone and the guy had all the time full control- but it is a lot of work to do everything right at the right moment. Pretty stressful I guess to do this somewhere in a desert or a track you don´t know at all.

Before and after this event we was doing the Upforce Road Trip with some nice filming action at the german FMX locations. Busty had bad luck at the first day and crashed after a NacFlip- but he was lucky on the other side because he didn´t get hurt too bad. 4,5 weeks later he will be back on his Suzuki.

Christoph Leib / “Spotelicious” filmed the action in Berlin and the RedBull X-Fighters expert Oliver Schran and Matt Mougeot came along with us the whole 5 days and catched some good stuff for Matt´s new Move “That´s the way”. Watch out for this DVD!

See you soon,


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