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The Nick de Wit Column
written by Nick de Wit


Hey Guys and Girls

October is over already and its almost Christmas time again. Pretty crazy. October has been another good one with some training and some events. The first weekend was a competition in Lübteen Germany. it was an outdoor event and it was really cold but about 5000 people still came to watch. We all had a really good ride there and I finished 3rd for the night. After that I drove 9 hours straight back to Belgium to pack my bags and then hopped on a plane to South Africa. That was a really long day but I got to go home for a few days and get some good training in warm weather.

Nick de Wit

I was home for just under 2 weeks and then flew back to Belgium for a competition at a supermotard race. We had one big landing and 2 jumps next to each other. It was a really fun event with about 20000 spectators and I rode pretty well. I finished 2nd there just missing the top step of the podium. After that I went back to Belgium. The weather wasn't too bad. 12deg.celc so we could get a bit of practice in. Working on a few new trick which I should have pretty good in no time.

Nick de Wit

On Saturday 25 October we had another show in Belgium. It was at a casino and it was to pay tribute to all the good Belgium Motocross riders. There were lots of big names there like Stefan Everts and Joel Smets. It was a fun show and we had perfect weather. The week after that I did some more practice in Belgium and on Friday morning I flew up to Helsinki for a Monsterjam show. It was good just a bit wet and muddy. We put on a good show and all 3 shows were almost sold out. Now im back in Belgium. I have two more events in Europe and then go back home to get ready for the IFMXF world Cup in Namibia at the end of the month.

Hope all of you are good and thanks for the support.


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