Hey Guys and Girls! Hope all of you are well and getting ready for the holidays.
The last month and a half has been a pretty exciting one. November started off with me getting my KTM and having only 2 days to get used to it before my first show. The show was a KTM day in Holland on the 5 November. There were about 5000 people there throughout the day and we put on 2 awesome shows. I'm glad I had those two days practice because the KTM is a lot different to the Jap. Bikes but it’s a really awesome feeling bike. The following weekend, 10 and 11 Nov, I was suppose to go to Stockholm Sweden but I accepted another offer to go and do a demo at a big Supercross race in Stuttgart Germany. It was a little different to what I was use to. We had to jump the ramp at 15 meters which was 5 meters smaller than what we normally jumped because the roof was too low. Nevertheless we put on an awesome show and I even flipped the scary setup with no problem. After that show I flew back to South Africa to organize my KTM and get some good practice on it and also for two weddings. Brian Capper’s on the 19 Nov and my little sisters on the 25 Nov. I wish both the couples a lifetime of happiness together.

After all the weddings and a bit of practice I got back on an airplane and flew to Saltsburg Austria for 4 days. There I participated in the first round of the IFMXF ramp to ramp tour. It was just a big demo but it went off really well. I also got to visit the KTM factory which was only 30min drive from the event. Thanks to Alex for showing us around there. Sunday I was back on the plane to South Africa. I was home for two weeks where I got a lot of good practice and really started to get familiar with my bike. Then back on an airplane to Linz Austria for the next round of the IFMXF Ramp to Ramp tour. We had 3 sold out show and all of them went really well. They were fake competitions where the crowd had to vote for a winner. Myself and a French rider won the doubles comp and I won the final comp on Saturday. Nice way to end off the year.
Now I am going to take it easy till the end of January when my new season starts. I want to say thanks to everyone who helped me out this year Especially all the guys involved with RIDE AUTHORITY and all my sponsors, Red Bull, Oakley, NoFear, DVS Shoes and Michelin and recently onboard KTM. Without you guys this year would have been really difficult and hope we can have an even better 2007.
PS: Check out the Sunday times this coming weekend. They did an interview on me.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you.