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The Bilko Column
written by Blake Williams


Hello forty8 fans, Bilko here just checkin in with another update on whats been happening. first off i have been back on the bike since xmas and only had a week to prepare for the UK crusty tour. i took it easy over there and survived to ride another day but it was an awesome time and i cant wait to go back to europe.

Blake Williams

over the last couple of weeks i am stoked to have been doing two of the coolest demo's ever outside of crusty tour.

the first one was the Mini SX at frankston BMX track which is 10 minutes from my house, and also were i grew up racing BMX.

it was awesome to be riding in front of the local fans and i spent alot of the time signing posters, handing out stickers and getting photo's.

i also tried my hand at the mini racing but my ankle still being verytender i didnt want to risk it, plus my Z50 monkey didnt handle the jumps to well either.

Blake Williams

the next week we were invited to Echuca to ride a demo at the southern 80 ski race, the biggest ski race in australia.

Blake Williams

finishing up riding then going to watch boats roar down australia's greatest river at 120mph with two skiiers behind is an incredible sight.

it was awesome, our ramp was set up right at the finish line so we could also sit on our landing and watch the boats roar past.

we also attended a meet n great in the main st and signed a bunch of posters which was cool. we done 2 demos on saturday and 2 on sunday before heading home monday arvo.

so from here we start the crusty unleash hell reigonal tour, as i write this the americans such as mase, nate and the rest are on a plane over here and the next 18 weeks is going to be interesting.

Blake Williams

Heres a couple of shots I hope you enjoy … and check my website for updates and videos.

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